A Date With Pascal The units DATES.PAS and CALENDAR.PAS contain date and calendar routines for the Turbo Pascal version 7.0 Turbo Vision system. The Unit RECTANGL.PAS contains the Turbo Vision TRect descendent TRectangle. TRectangle is an extended version of TRect with some useful new methods and some methods especially designed for the date and calendar routines. Run the demonstration program DEMODATE.EXE to see the capabilities of the date and calendar routines in DATES.PAS and CALENDAR.PAS. Make sure that the Help system file DEMOHELP.HLP is in the current directory. All the documentation is found in the Help system. You may also examine the text file DEMOHELP.TXT which was used with TVHC.EXE to generate the Help system file. David L. Kutzler, Major, USAF 2804 Sioux Glendale, AZ 85397